因相愛別人認出我們是基督徒 Love one and others so that people can see we are Christians

Fr. Tom

人有很多獨特之處 , 我們在自己獨特的旅途, 接觸到天主 ...
People have many unique differences in their own unique journeys through life and to God.

Bishop Charles Chaput

Since he first voted in 1966, "the major parties have never, at the same time, offered two such deeply flawed candidates." ...


西安李篤安主教 - 70多歲的老人家拄著木棍,踏著泥濘的山路,去看望商洛山區的教友。 下過雨的山路實在難行,有時沒有辦法,他老人家就脫掉鞋,捲起褲腿過河。 跟隨他的修士和修女也跟著他老人家過河 ...


伯大尼的馬利亞坐在耶穌腳前聽道,要安靜留心注意天主的教導,選擇天主為人生優先的次序 ...
Mary Magdalene is seated at the feet of Jesus